
Monday, February 15, 2010

The 5 ft. Snuffles for the 30th anniversary

I have been traveling in the past couple days, and I missed the first introduction of the 5ft. Anniversary Snuffles in New York City at the Toy Fair in Javitz Centre.

Pictures are finally out. Several articles can be found on the web. I will collect them and post the links later.

I am hoping to get some high resolution pictures in the coming days.

And I wonder what kind of other anniversary snuffles Gund will introduce? I heard there was at least one more anniversary snuffles introduced at the Toy Fair, but I have not heard any details not have I seen any pictures.

While I originally was planning to attend the Toy Fair, my busy schedule did not allow me to fly to New York. I wish I could have gone, I would have taken tons of pictures of the Snuffles and would have shown the comparison in size to a human. He must be HUGE...

Well, more information to come soon hopefully. Will post links later.

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