
Friday, August 29, 2014

New snuffles sightings... by Sarah

Sarah wrote this to me today and I would like to share it with you:

We couldn't believe the Snuffles display on our recent summer holiday! The 10 inch peach and white Snuffles came home with us, one each for my Gram and Pop who have been ill. We actually took home another Gund Bear for ourselves, labelled "Fuzzy", because of his amazingly soft fur (you really have to feel it to believe it) and adorable face...still thinking of a name for him. Snuffles is always our favorite though!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Tiny snuffles on a backbacking trip in the Sierra Nevada

Courtesy to Richard, some great Pictures of a tiny 3 Inch snuffles on a cool trip.  This tiny snuffles just went on a 130-mile backpacking trip in the Sierra Nevada backcountry. He provided some very nice pocket-sized comfort ;). I thought you might enjoy some pictures of his travels. The one with the huge view is on Pilot Knob at 12,200 feet.

 So cute, Snuffles touching the moon...  Well, snuffles is bowed like the moon, the Inspiration of snuffles stems from the moon... 
 Pilot Knob at 12200 feet.... 

Honestly, let me say this slowly: I am really happy that viewers and snuffles enthusiasts from all over the globe join me here with my blog and support me.  Show how large a followership snuffles has, and snuffles deserves every bit of it as he is the cutest teddybear of all...  isn't he?