Friday, April 10, 2020
Seen this snuffles for the first time, pink 12 incher with reference 4040143
Just want to share the pictures.
I know the blog has been silent, for several reasons. First, I am busy. Too busy. Corona gave me finally some possibly needed time.
I hope you all stay healthy. Enjoy the pictures.
Picture courtesy of:
Friday, October 5, 2018
Large 13 inch yellow vintage Gund Snuffles. Anybody has seen this before or knows the tag number of it?
Unfortunately, all we know is that it has the same tush tag as the early #2169 White Snuffles and #2167 Pink Snuffles. We do not know the reference number, anybody can help with it?
Take a look at the pictures and see the comparison to the 9 incher as well in one of the pictures.
(Pictures courtesy of Karen and Vinnie)
Thursday, September 13, 2018
Exclusive FAO Snuffles from Gund
This is apparently a current FAO Schwarz exclusive Snuffles from Gund. Not really looking anything special other than the packaging. Just a usual white snuffles.
Gund, if you read this, there are tons of collectors and Snuffles lovers out there hoping for something more creative than a white snuffles coming from you...
(Picture from Ebay)
This is a 9 inch white Snuffles. Sitting in an FAO special packaging.
Friday, February 9, 2018
Rare find on Ebay: "Snuffles makes a friend" in original box with storybook, white Gund Snuffles Bear
Go to the Ebay auction.
(all pictures taken from the above mentioned and linked auction on ebay.)
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
A rare find on Ebay of a large 30 inch white snuffles with reference 6479, never seen before number.
He researched the reference 6479 not being able to find any other snuffles with that number, and in my blog and lifetime I have been collecting snuffles, I have never even heard of this number. Wondering what the story is behind the number 6479? Anybody has seen one before?
Posting a few pictures from the ebay auction. Good luck, Russell with your auction. I would love to give him a good home, but timing isnt right for me.
Could this be a one of a kind snuffles?
Friday, January 19, 2018
Snuffles family from one of my readers
Brownie, Oreo, Caramel, Cookies, Cream, Cupcake, and Peanut Brittle.
All the bears are in order from the back of the photo.
Thank you.
Here's the newest bear "Frosting" with the previous ones from back to front:
Sunday, January 14, 2018
News: Upcoming snuffles with pictures starting to sell mid February
Gund finally presented some new Snuffles. Three are snuffles which are quite large and laying, while the other three are small and sitting.
The laying Snuffles is 27 inches long. There will be three different Colors: Grey, White and taupe.
The small ones are 10 inches tall. There will be four different Colors: Grey, White and taupe as well as rose pink.
It has been a Long time without any new snuffles. That is the reason why this blog has been quite silent. Aside from that, I have been busy with other things. And while I was hoping Gund would be interested in collectors in Europe, I came to realize they are very little interested in collectors outside of the US, Canada and UK. It is a shame.
My apologies for wrong spelling, I am writing from a German Laptop which is trying to correct my english especially when it Comes to capital letters where they do not belong.
Pictures courtesy of and
Thursday, April 6, 2017
Fwd: A few minutes of your time to help with a Bearapy online campaign (7-16 April 2017) for a good cause
From: Noch Noch Li <>
Date: Tue, Apr 4, 2017 at 2:45 PM
Subject: A few minutes of your time to help with a Bearapy online campaign (7-16 April 2017) for a good cause
Yes indeed, i must apologize for this mass email, and also perhaps an email out of the blue, but as a race against time, and hoping that you will overlook my trespass of silence and not keeping in touch as much as I should, I am writing to ask for a few minutes of your time beginning this Friday for a few days to help with a good cause....
I hope you can take a few minutes to help me out on a Bearapy online campaign. It will take place between 7-16 April and I simply ask that you help me repost and share on your social media platforms (Facebook, WeChat, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn) during that period. If you have a few more seconds to spare, would love it if you could add your answer/comment to the Bear photos I post.
Of course, my NochNoch blog will be updated too - and with that, thank you for your continued readership and support and dropping me notes of encouragement!
I am doing this campaign in conjunction with the World Health Organisation's (WHO) World Health Day 2017, as the theme this year is "Depression: Let's Talk." You know that with my personal experience has motivated me into consulting for organizational change and corporate culture, specifically for executive mental well-being. This campaign is part of my efforts to continue raising awareness towards topics of depression, stress, and burnout in the community.
Here's how it works: Beginning on 7 April, for 10 days, I will post a different Bear photo across my social media platforms and ask people to respond instinctively in the comments on what emotions the bear might be feeling. This encourages us to face up to our vulnerabilities, defenses, and fears, which then allows us to talk about the emotions and seek help. Here is how you can help (please do not feel obliged to do all the below, but as much as possible as your time allows):
- Repost the bear picture and blog post on 7 April 2017 on your social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram @your friends) to encourage your friends to join the campaign.
- When reposting, you could copy & paste or write you own version of the short narrative of my picture—the most important thing is to include the tags (#Bearapy #LetsTalk #depression #RealEmotions #everythingsnotokay)
- Repost/share as many bear pictures as you can during 7-16 April 2017.
- Ask your friends and network to comment and/or share with their friend.
- Add a comment about how you think the bear is feeling with each picture to stimulate discussion.
I will send a quick reminder nearer the time. Sincere thanks for your contribution in making this world more mentally healthy and helping me out!
Noch Noch
Monday, April 3, 2017
A few minutes of your time to help with a Bearapy online campaign (7-16 April 2017) for a good cause
Yes indeed, i must apologize for this mass email, and also perhaps an email out of the blue, but as a race against time, and hoping that you will overlook my trespass of silence and not keeping in touch as much as I should, I am writing to ask for a few minutes of your time beginning this Friday for a few days to help with a good cause....
I hope you can take a few minutes to help me out on a Bearapy online campaign. It will take place between 7-16 April and I simply ask that you help me repost and share on your social media platforms (Facebook, WeChat, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn) during that period. If you have a few more seconds to spare, would love it if you could add your answer/comment to the Bear photos I post.
Of course, my NochNoch blog will be updated too - and with that, thank you for your continued readership and support and dropping me notes of encouragement!
I am doing this campaign in conjunction with the World Health Organisation's (WHO) World Health Day 2017, as the theme this year is "Depression: Let's Talk." You know that with my personal experience has motivated me into consulting for organizational change and corporate culture, specifically for executive mental well-being. This campaign is part of my efforts to continue raising awareness towards topics of depression, stress, and burnout in the community.
Here's how it works: Beginning on 7 April, for 10 days, I will post a different Bear photo across my social media platforms and ask people to respond instinctively in the comments on what emotions the bear might be feeling. This encourages us to face up to our vulnerabilities, defenses, and fears, which then allows us to talk about the emotions and seek help. Here is how you can help (please do not feel obliged to do all the below, but as much as possible as your time allows):
- Repost the bear picture and blog post on 7 April 2017 on your social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram @your friends) to encourage your friends to join the campaign.
- When reposting, you could copy & paste or write you own version of the short narrative of my picture—the most important thing is to include the tags (#Bearapy #LetsTalk #depression #RealEmotions #everythingsnotokay)
- Repost/share as many bear pictures as you can during 7-16 April 2017.
- Ask your friends and network to comment and/or share with their friend.
- Add a comment about how you think the bear is feeling with each picture to stimulate discussion.
I will send a quick reminder nearer the time. Sincere thanks for your contribution in making this world more mentally healthy and helping me out!
Noch Noch
Saturday, December 24, 2016
Happy holidays and a happy new year 2017!
Enjoy and god bless.
Sunday, December 11, 2016
The smaller 20 inch Millenium snuffles from 2000
The 20 incher is kind of my only snuffles I really would like to get. Just timing is not right for me right now, so I did not get this one.
I want to share the pictures of the one sold with you. He is flawless, in perfect condition. What a cutie...
Enjoy the pictures which were shot in sunny Florida.
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Monday, November 7, 2016
Hot snuffles on Ebay
One is a 30 inch white snuffles (not Pottery Barn), which must be from the early 1990s I assume?
The other is a later 1990s 20 inch tan snuffles (which happened to be my first snuffles I got in 1997).
Then there is a mohair snuffles, which tend to be quite rare.
Have you ever seen a white 30 inch Pottery Barn snuffles?

I am not sure how rare this one is, but I have never seen one before. Possibly this is a one of?
No matter how rare, this is a very cuddly fellow. As I have to cut down on my own snuffles collection, my rooms are full so are my shelves, I hope he will find a great new home.